Autor: admin
Datum objave: 21.06.2017

Weakened May ditches swathes of disastrous Tory manifesto from Queen's Speech as Remainers vow guerrilla warfare in parliament to keep ties with Brussels

The Queen took her seat on the throne at the Palace of Westminster today as she opened the new parliamentary session

New battle for Brexit: Weakened May ditches swathes of disastrous Tory manifesto from Queen's Speech as Remainers vow guerrilla warfare in parliament to keep ties with Brussels

The Queen took her seat on the throne at the Palace of Westminster today as she opened the new parliamentary session

The monarch was not in her full robes and arrived in a car rather than by coach. She was also accompanied by Prince Charles instead of the Duke of Edinburgh - who had been taken ill overnight.

The event was initially intended to happen on Monday, but was delayed after the inconclusive election result and talks with the DUP dragged on longer than expected.

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