Bricht gerade Ihre Welt zusammen, Herr Lugner?
Die Moderatorin Barbara Rett

Die Moderatorin Barbara Rett

Nicholas Ofczarek zu Gast bei der Siemens Academy of Life
Europa : DIALOG mit Lotte Tobisch-Labotýn

Europa : DIALOG mit Lotte Tobisch-Labotýn

Von 1981 von 1996 hat sie den Wiener Opernball geleitet


incidenti u kojima su napadani Srbi u Hrvatskoj, iza incidenata stoje mladi, koji nisu ni rođeni u vreme rata, Mesić je naglasio da je to dokaz da nema dovoljno političke volje, ali i dokaz da školstvo nije na visini zadatka
Ramiro Fumazoni  TV ACTOR

Ramiro Fumazoni TV ACTOR

Argentine model and actor who is known for his role as Padre Jacinto in the 2012 feature film El Arribo de Conrado Sierra
Angelique Boyer desnuda: las fotos mas sensuales de sus telenovelas

Angelique Boyer desnuda: las fotos mas sensuales de sus telenovelas

La mexicana se ha convertido en una bomba sexy llena de talento y aciertos en la televisión.

'You can’t make progress until you let yourself sound like you.' - Nathan Gunn

Grammy-winning singer Nathan Gunn has made a reputation around the world as one of the most exciting and in-demand baritones of the day and has appeared with the world's major opera houses and orchestras.
Rising Stars: An Interview with Charles Castronovo

Rising Stars: An Interview with Charles Castronovo

This is the new mold of young singers: hot, muscular, and willing to take their shirt off. Good singing optional. However, with these types of pictures, I'm not complaining
Sebastián Rulli revela si desea tener más hijos con Angelique Boyer

Sebastián Rulli revela si desea tener más hijos con Angelique Boyer

Sebastián Rulli nos cuenta un poco sobre su vida en México
StaatsoperDie Auftakttage der ersten Direktion von Bogdan Roscic

StaatsoperDie Auftakttage der ersten Direktion von Bogdan Roscic

Die erste Saison des neuen Direktors am Ring beginnt inoffiziell bereits am 4. September mit einem prominent besetzten Symposium. Der erste Monat bringt Placido Domingo und ein Stardebüt.
Rose Kennedy Biography (1890–1995)

Rose Kennedy Biography (1890–1995)

Rose Kennedy: gives a tour of JFK's Birthplace in Brookline, MA., just as it was in May of 1917.
Charles Castronovo - Biography

Charles Castronovo - Biography

Charles Castronovo began his 12/13 season with his debut in Amsterdam in a concert performance of Les Pecheurs de Perles at the Concertgebeouw, after which he returned to the Opera de Paris as Tom Rakewell in The Rake’s Progress
Zinka Milanov - a portrait (English subtitles). Part I

Zinka Milanov - a portrait (English subtitles). Part I

Zinka Milanov - a portrait (English subtitles). Part II
ZORAN MILANOVIĆ: ‘Vjerojatno imamo tisuću novozaraženih, ali to nismo uspjeli uhvatiti’

ZORAN MILANOVIĆ: ‘Vjerojatno imamo tisuću novozaraženih, ali to nismo uspjeli uhvatiti’

Ponovio je da Nacionalni stožer, da bi izdavao naređenja koja su za građane obvezujuća, mora imati drugačiji pravni okvir


Smatram se prevoditeljem, iako sam u životu najmanje prevodio. No, i kad govorim o slikama, prevodim ih u riječ, a kad pišem poeziju, zbilju prevodim u riječ. Riječ je moj medij.
Biserka Cvejić, operska diva: Opet bih izabrala operu

Biserka Cvejić, operska diva: Opet bih izabrala operu

Koje Vam je bilo najfascinantnije poznanstvo? -Sa princezom Grejs Keli i princom Renijeom od Monaka. Duško i ja smo ih upoznali posle jednog mog koncerta u Monte Karlu. Večerali smo kod njih, a princeza je na mene ostavila divan utisak, bila je velika i divna dama
Prva zavodnica jugo filma o plaćanju uloga seksom:

Prva zavodnica jugo filma o plaćanju uloga seksom: 'Ucijenio me jedan muškarac'

Nada Vojinović godinama je nosila titulu prve zavodnice jugoslavenskog filma.
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