Autor: admin
Datum objave: 17.11.2017

Predsjednik Vlade Plenković

Za međunarodni kredibilitet Hrvatske važno je biti dio najnaprednijih integracija

Predsjednik Vlade Plenković: Za međunarodni kredibilitet Hrvatske važno je biti dio najnaprednijih integracija

Predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske Andrej Plenković stigao je u Göteborg gdje će sudjelovati na sastanku na vrhu „Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth“.

Tijekom poslijepodneva sastao se s predsjednikom Vlade Kraljevine Švedske Stefanom Löfvenom. Razgovarali su o bilateralnim odnosima, unaprjeđenju gospodarske suradnje, ulozi Hrvata koji žive u Švedskoj, kao svojevrsnog mosta i poveznice gospodarske suradnje te ključnim europskim temama za Hrvatsku i Švedsku.

„Švedska je poznata kao socijalna zemlja, zemlja koja nastoji ostvariti državu blagostanja“, kazao je predsjednik Vlade Plenković i najavio da će sutra sa socijalnim partnerima na razini institucija i s članovima Europskog vijeća razgovarati o dokumentu koje je pripremljen za ovaj summit, a o čemu su i prije dva dana razgovarali sa sindikatima i poslodavcima u Hrvatskoj. 

"Švedska je zemlja s kojom imamo razgranatu ekonomsku suradnju, u Hrvatskoj je prisutan Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Tele2, Ikea je došla prije nekoliko godina. Oni su zainteresirani da povežu trokut između poslovnog svijeta, akademske zajednice i institucija. To je model koji Švedska želi primijeniti u međunarodnim odnosima. Nadam se da će recentni posjet švedskih gospodarstvenika Hrvatskoj pridonijeti jačanju prije svega gospodarske i znanstvene suradnje, a time i pridonijeti  našem gospodarskom rastu i međusobnoj razmjeni", rekao je predsjednik Vlade Plenković.

Bilo je riječi i o nabavi borbenih zrakoplova jer je Švedska jedna od zemalja koja je ponudila svoje Gripene Hrvatskoj.

Upitan o današnjem povoljnom zaduživanju u Londonu, predsjednik Vlade Plenković ponovio je da je upravo zbog poruke političke stabilnosti prošli tjedan želio apsolvirati izglasavanje povjerenja u Hrvatskom saboru.

Dodao je da je iskazano povjerenje omogućilo ministru financija i cijelom izaslanstvu koje je ovog tjedna boravilo u Frankfurtu, Munchenu, Milanu, Amsterdamu i Londonu postizanje najboljih rezultata u refinanciranja duga.

,,Obveznica s ročnošću do 2030. godine i s kamatom od 2,75%, predstavlja veliki uspjeh, jer smo riješili dio najnepovoljnijih dugova koji sada dolaze na naplatu. To je i potvrda da politička stabilnost nije status quo nego korak naprijed“, kazao je Plenković, dodavši da bi kamata, da smo članica Eurozone, bila vjerojatno 1%.

Važno je da svi akteri u Hrvatskoj razumiju koliko je važno za međunarodni kredibilitet biti dio najnaprednijih integracija jer tada su i kamate jeftinije i za državu, a posljedično i za građane.

„I stoga je poruka stabilnosti, konsolidiranosti, pouzdanosti i predvidljivosti za mene kao odgovornog predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske jedna od najvažnijih i na tome treba ustrajati“, rekao je predsjednik Vlade Plenković nakon sastanka sa švedskim kolegom Löfvenom.

„U Švedskoj živi gotovo 40.000 Hrvata, mnogi su tu već dugi niz godina“, rekao je predsjednik Vlade Plenković u društvu Velebit, uoči susreta s predstavnicima hrvatskih društava i s hrvatskim iseljenicima u Göteborgu.

„Želim osluhnuti što Vlada, Ured za Hrvate izvan Hrvatske i naša diplomatska predstavništva mogu učiniti da odnos između matične domovine i njih koji žive ovdje bude što kvalitetniji i bolji“, zaključio je.

Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth

Together with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will host a Social Summit in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017, focusing on promoting fair jobs and growth.

The Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth will gather heads of state or government, the social partners and other key players to work together on a more social Europe and to promote fair jobs and growth. Well-functioning and fair European labour markets, effective and sustainable social protection systems and the promotion of social dialogue at all levels will be at the heart of the summit agenda.

Prime Minister's Office

 The Prime Minister's Office leads and coordinates the work of the Government Offices. It is also responsible for coordinating Swedish EU policy and emergency management at the Government Offices.

Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth to be webcast

The Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth will be webcast live on Friday 17 November. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will co-host the Social Summit in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017 focusing on the promotion of fair jobs and growth

Stefan Löfven at Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth

On 17 November, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is hosting the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg.

The Summit will bring together EU heads of state and government, EU institution leaders, the social partners and other key stakeholders to discuss how to promote good working conditions and more jobs.

The Prime Minister will conclude the day with a visit to the Volvo Group, together with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Prime Minister Löfven's programme:

07.45 Doorstep

Venue: Outside the main entrance to Eriksbergshallen

The Prime Minister holds a brief doorstep.

08.00 Welcoming the delegations

Venue: Plenary room, Eriksbergshallen (at the end of the entrance hall)

Prime Minister Löfven and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker receive the delegations.

09.30 The Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth opens

Venue: Plenary room, Eriksbergshallen

The meeting begins and Prime Minister Löfven holds a brief opening address.

10.30–12.30 Working sessions on fair jobs and growth

Venue: Meeting rooms 1, 2 and 3, Eriksbergshallen

Prime Minister Löfven will take part in each session.

12.35 Closing remarks, group photo and signing ceremony of the European Pillar of Social Rights

Venue: Plenary room, Eriksbergshallen

Prime Minister Löfven holds a brief closing address. A group photo will be followed by the signing of the European Pillar for Social Rights by President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas.

13.15 Working lunch, chaired by the President of the European Council

Venue: River Restaurant

Prime Minister Löfven will take part in the working lunch with the heads of state and government.

15.30 Press conference

Venue: Plenary room, Eriksbergshallen

Prime Minister Löfven, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the President of the European Council Donald Tusk will hold a joint press conference.

16:45 Visit to the Volvo Group with French President Emmanuel Macron

Venue: Volvo Campus Lundby, Gropegårdsgatan 2

Prime Minister Löfven and French President Emmanuel Macron visit the Volvo Group to discuss innovation and bilateral relations between the two countries.

17:30 Press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron

Venue: Volvo Campus Lundby, Gropegårdsgatan 2

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and French President Emmanuel Macron hold a joint press conference. Media representatives who wish to participate in the Volvo Group visit and the press conference must register separately. To register, please send an email to Boel Lindbergh. The number of places is limited.

EU heads of state or government invited to a Social Summit in Gothenburg

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, together with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, has invited heads of state or government from EU Member States, as well as over 30 different organisations and actors, to attend the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017. More than 180 participants have been invited to the summit.

Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth


The Government of Sweden

 The Government governs Sweden and is the driving force in the process of legislative change, thereby influencing the development of our society. The Government consists of a prime minister and 22 ministers. 

Kategorije: Društvo
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