Autor: Dulčić
Datum objave: 02.12.2016

Nada Lavrač

PhD, Head of Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute and part time Professor at University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Nada Lavrač

PhD, Head of Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute and part time Professor at University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Prof. Nada Lavrac is Head of the Department of Knowledge Technologies (since 2004), was Head of Intelligent Data Analysis and Computational Linguistics research group (in 1999-2003) at the Department of Intelligent Systems, and researcher of Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (since 1978). She is Full Professor at University of Nova Gorica and Deputy Head of Information and Communication Technologies Program at Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. She was visiting professor at Bristol University, UK (1997-2002, teaching parts of courses Introduction to Machine Learning and Learning from pguctured Data) and at Klagenfurt University, Aupgia (1987-2002, teaching courses on Knowledge Acquisition, Data Mining and Decision Support).

She received a BSc in Technical Mathematics and MSc in Computer Science from Ljubljana University, and a PhD in Technical Sciences from Maribor University, Slovenia. In 1984 she was in a group of researchers who were awarded a national prize for research excellence, in 1997 she was awarded the Ambassador of Science of Slovenia prize, in 2007 she has been elected ECCAI Fellow, and in 2013 she received the Zois Recognition Award for important contributions to science, research and development in the area of intelligent data analysis.

Her main research interest is machine learning and data mining, in particular inductive logic programming and intelligent data analysis in medicine. She is coauthor of KARDIO: A Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for Expert Systems, The MIT Press 1989, and Inductive Logic Programming: Techniques and Applications, Ellis Horwood 1994, and co-editor of Relational Data Mining, Springer 2001, Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology, Kluwer 1997. She was founder the Solomon European Network and acted as co-coordinator of the EU 5th Framework project Data Mining and Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: A European Virtual Enterprise (Sol-Eu-Net, IST-1999-11495, 2000-2003). She was coordinator of the European Scientific Network in Inductive Logic Programming ILPNET (1993-1996). She is member of editorial boards of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine AI Communications New Generation Computing Applied AI Machine Learning Journal and Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. She was vice-president of ECCAI (1996-98), and is member of the International Machine Learning Society board (IMLS, since 2001), and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine board (AIME, since 1999).

Institut Jožef Stefan

Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies

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