Autor: admin
Datum objave: 10.07.2017

Christine Lagarde danas dolazi u Dubrovnik, sastat će se s Plenkovićem

Hrvatska narodna banka i MMF u Dubrovniku organiziraju konferenciju

Groans at Ivanka at G20 women's summit - BBC News

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was met with groans as she defended her father's attitude towards women at the G20 women's summit in Berlin. Speaking alongside German chancellor Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde, she said her father was a "tremendous champion of supporting families".

Ivanka Trump Gets Booed Defending Her Father's Record On Women | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Ivanka Trump speech at W20 Germany 2017. Women 20 Summit 2017 Berlin. G20-Frauengipfel 2017.

Christine Lagarde

Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde (French: [kʁistin madlɛn ɔdɛt laɡaʁd]; née Lallouette, IPA: [laluɛt]; born 1 January 1956) is a French lawyer and politician who has been the Managing Director (MD) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 5 July 2011.

Previously, she held various ministerial posts in the French government: she was Minister of Economic Affairs, Finance and Employment, Minister of Agriculture and Fishing and Minister of Trade in the government of Dominique de Villepin. Lagarde was the first woman to become finance minister of a G8 economy and is the first woman to head the IMF.

A noted anti-trust and labour lawyer, Lagarde was the first female chairwoman of the international law firm Baker & McKenzie between 1999 and 2004.

On 16 November 2009, the Financial Times ranked her the best Minister of Finance in the Eurozone.

On 28 June 2011, she was named as the next MD of the IMF for a five-year term, starting on 5 July 2011, replacing Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Her appointment is the 11th consecutive appointment of a European to head the IMF.In 2014, Lagarde was ranked the 5th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine. She was re-elected by consensus for a second five-year term, starting 5 July 2016, being the only candidate nominated for the post of managing director

Christine Lagarde

Managing director, International Monetary Fund

Christine Lagarde was reelected in February 2016 to a second five-year term as head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the organization that serves as economic advisor and backstop for 188 countries. When she took over in 2011, the world economy was still recovering from the financial crisis, and the IMF from an institutional one. In the ensuing years, Lagarde has managed to enroll countries as diverse as China, Russia and Britain into the IMF's brand of fiscal discipline, even as they bridle at the stern conditions of her structural loans. She has also lent the institution a "more human face by addressing issues like gender and income inequality," U.S. Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen wrote in a 2016 Time profile. Following Brexit, Lagarde must work with a divided Europe to ensure a stable economic recovery on the continent, particularly in Greece.

Ivanka Trump sits in for dad at G20 meeting

Christine Lagarde danas dolazi u Dubrovnik, sastat će se s Plenkovićem

Hrvatska narodna banka i MMF u Dubrovniku organiziraju konferenciju

Predsjednik Vlade Andrej Plenković danas se sastaje s predsjednicom Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF) Christine Lagarde. Dvojac će se susresti u Dubrovniku u 19 sati. Osim Plenkovića, na sastanku će biti i potpredsjednica Vlade i ministrica gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta Martina Dalić, a trebao bi mu nazočiti i guverner Hrvatske narodne banke Boris Vujčić.

Kako je najavljeno, Legarde bi s hrvatskim premijerom trebala razgovarati o makroekonomskoj situaciji u Hrvatskoj i mjerama koje se provode u području fiskalne politike. Inače, u Dubrovniku danas počinje konferencija pod nazivom Ubrzavanje realne konvergencije u srednjoj, istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Europi – uloga upravljanja i institucija, koju organiziraju Hrvatska narodna banka i Međunarodni monetarni fond.

O čemu će se raspravljati na konferenciji

Na njoj će sudjelovati dužnosnici iz EU, MMF-a, znanstvenici, guverneri i ministri financija dvadesetak zemalja. Christine Legarde je za Večernji list izjavila kako se raduje razgovoru o konvergenciji i upravljanju jer su te dvije teme ključne za ovu regiju.

“Učinkovite institucije su tu da stvore kontrolu i ravnotežu te promiču pravednije korištenje javnih resursa i vladinih usluga”, ističe. Smatra da se dobrim upravljanjem može smanjiti nezadovoljstvo i nepovjerenje građana, utjecati na odbacivanje privilegija i neetičnog ponašanja.

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