Autor: admin
Datum objave: 06.11.2017

Abe, Trump reaffirm plan to maximize pressure on DPRK

To bow or not to bow: Trump passes tricky protocol test with Emperor

The Japan News

Abe, Trump reaffirm plan to maximize pressure on DPRK

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump reaffirmed that Japan and the United States would take the initiative to exert maximum pressure on North Korea, at a bilateral meeting held Monday at the State Guest House in Tokyo’s Motoakasaka district.

On the economic front, Trump expressed strong dissatisfaction over trade with Japan at a meeting with Japanese and U.S. business leaders held ahead of the bilateral talks, saying, “Right now our trade with Japan is not fair and open.”

Attention is focused on what approach the United States plans to take on reducing the nation’s trade deficit with Japan, as a gulf remains between the two nations on economic matters.

At the meeting with business leaders held at the official residence of U.S. Ambassador William Hagerty in Tokyo, Trump expressed his willingness to enter negotiations on a free trade agreement with Japan. Trump said the United States and Japan are capable of quickly reaching a fair agreement, and that he is optimistic.

In October’s Japan-U.S. economic dialogue held between Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, the United States expressed enthusiasm about starting FTA negotiations. Trump was thought to have mentioned the FTA during Monday’s bilateral meeting, which Aso also attended.

About 40 business leaders, including Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp. Chairman Yoshimitsu Kobayashi and Masayoshi Son, chairman and president of SoftBank Group Corp., attended the meeting at Hagerty’s official residence.

At the opening of a working lunch that started shortly after noon at the State Guest House, Abe said to Trump: “Let’s have frank discussions on various global issues, particularly North Korea.

Trump replied that he is willing to discuss issues regarding trade, North Korea and military affairs.

During the summit meeting held later, Abe told Trump about Japan’s policy of expanding the scope of asset freezing as part of Japan’s own sanctions against North Korea, in an effort to take actions in concert with the United States.

Abe and Trump were thought to have talked about the U.S. intention to re-list North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. The United States will likely make a decision soon.

The two leaders agreed that they will ask China and Russia for their cooperation to make North Korea stop its development of nuclear weapons and missiles.

Abe and Trump also discussed maritime affairs. Under the policy of the “free and open Indo-Pacific strategy,” in which rules of law and freedom of navigation are advocated, the two leaders intend to deepen cooperation among four countries that share common values — Japan, the United States, India and Australia. The plan aims to keep in check the movements of China, which is working to expand its influence in the Indian Ocean, the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Monday’s bilateral talks were the fifth meeting between Abe and Trump this year, and the first since the two met in New York in September.

Trump will leave Japan on Tuesday and is set to visit South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.

On the sidelines of a summit meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to be held in Vietnam, Trump is expected to hold a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.Speech

The Japan Times

Trump touts solidarity with Japan but refuses to shy away from trade

Trump meets abductees’ kin and pledges to work with Abe to bring them back to Japan

To bow or not to bow: Trump passes tricky protocol test with Emperor

To bow or not to bow: That was the question when U.S. President Donald Trump engaged in a closely watched meet-and-greet with the Emperor that was laden with potential protocol pitfalls.

Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama sparked a firestorm of criticism during one trip to Japan when he was photographed in an almost 90-degree bow to diminutive Emperor Akihito.

U.S. conservatives chided Obama for the act of deference to the monarch, who is the son of Emperor Hirohito, the wartime emperor in whose name Japanese troops fought in World War II. He is posthumously known as Emperor Showa.

So all eyes were on the meeting in famously polite Japan, where bowing is a way of life. But the gaffe-prone Trump appeared to plot a respectable middle ground, slightly inclining his head upon meeting the 83-year-old despite towering over him.

The two couples were then led to a room where they engaged in deep conversation with the aid of interpreters.

Afterward, Trump shook hands with the Emperor again, and tapped his arm repeatedly with his left hand. “Thank you for the great meeting,” he said. “I’m sure we will meet again.”

Japanese guests are not supposed to touch the Imperial Couple or shake hands, but foreign guests often do.

Hillary Clinton shook hands and air-kissed the Empress on both cheeks, then took her hand as they entered the palace when she met the pair as secretary of state in 2011, a month or so after the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster hit northeastern Japan in March

Tokyo Imperial Palace


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